It's uncanny how much these celebrities actually look like famous, or not-so-famous, people from the past. It's almost as if they're time-travelers. I'm half-convinced they are. What do you think?
Are these celebrities actually time-travelers?
Johnny Depp
...or Thomas Tallis, an English composer and church musician from the 1500's (via ninemsn)
Nicolas Cage
...or unknown man from circa 1870 (via Augoeides)
Rupert Grint
...or Sir David Wilkie, a Scottish painter from the 1800's (via stupid station)
Leonardo DiCaprio
...or Judy Zipper, from a photo taken in the 1960's (via FunnyOrDie)
Charlie Sheen
...or John Brown (via BusinessInsider)
Justin Timberlake
...or this old-timey criminal (via Student Beans)
Brad Pitt
...or Hermann Rorschach in a photo from 1910 (via pleated-jeans)
John Krasinski
...or journalist Carl Adolph Feilberg from the 1800's (via Daily Dawdle)
Conan O'Brien
...or Marshall Harvey Twitchell, a Union Army Soldier (via Cheezburger)
Tommy Lee Jones
...or Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln's presidential successor. (via Oh No They Didn't.)
...or some unknown man from Harlem.
Bruce Willis
...or five-star, American general, Douglas MacArthur. (via Just Something.)
John Travolta
...or this man from the 1860s? (via Just Something.)
Jimmy Fallon
...or Mahir Çayan, a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary leader. (via Wikipedia)
Ellen DeGeneres
...or polymath extraordinaire, Henry David Thoreau. (via Yahoo!)
Chuck Norris
...or legendary painter, Vincent Van Gogh. (via Totally Looks Like.)
Taylor Lautner
...or a llama?!?! (via Yoplay House.)