
Head Lines

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rice Bucket Challenge

Hyderabad-based Manju Latha Kalanidhi devises local version of ‘rice bucket challenge’ on Facebook to assist donors who want to help poor

Here is India’s answer to the ALS ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’.
An Indian woman has come up with the ‘rice bucket challenge’ on Facebook to show a way to potential donors who want to help the poor. The message has now gone viral on social media.
The ice-bucket challenge is designed to raise awareness about ALS, a progressive neuro-degenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Facebook users can nominate friends to take up the challenge of pouring a bucketful of ice water on the head, film it, and upload the same on the web or donate money to the ALS Association within 24 hours.
How it started
The ‘rice bucket challenge’ was the innovative idea of Hyderabad-based Manju Latha Kalanidhi who posted the challenge, seeking friends to cook or buy one bucketful of rice and feed the poor in the locality. One can also donate medicines worth Rs. 100 to the nearest government hospital.
“It’s local, desi and a practical solution to issues in the vicinity. Instead of wasting water on ice bucket challenge, save water and feed the hungry,” Manju Latha wrote on her Facebook page.
Her post has got over 150 responses within 24 hours, and people have started making voluntary donations in their respective localities.
Facebook user Devunifrom Vijeye took the challenge and helped a poor daily labourer, Sathibabu, with a bucketful of rice. Sattibabu earns his livelihood by selling idli and dosa on a bicycle.