
Head Lines

Saturday, June 21, 2014

daddy gets a day off....

'Dear Google worker, can you please make sure daddy gets a day off.. it is summer, you know': Girl sends cheeky letter asking her father's boss to give him time off for his birthday (and it worked)

  • Katie's handwritten note has gone viral
  • She asked her dad's boss to give him a day off for his birthday
  • Google responded and gave her dad a week off in July
  • Google said the exchange was authentic

Sometimes all you have to do is ask.
A Google employee is getting a week off work to spend with his young daughter thanks to an adorable note she wrote to his boss.
Katie begged the internet giant to give her father just one day off to celebrate his birthday.
'Dear google worker,' the handwritten note reads. 'Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get get a day off on wednesday. Because daddy ONLY gets a day off on saturday.'

Adorable: A little girl reportedly wrote this letter to her dad's boss at Google asking if he could have a day off for his birthday
Adorable: A little girl reportedly wrote this letter to her dad's boss at Google asking if he could have a day off for his birthday

The little girl’s plea didn’t end there.

'P.S. It is daddy’s BIRTHDAY!' she wrote in blue crayon. 'P.P.S. It is summer, you know.'
Daniel Shiplacoff, her father’s boss, saw the letter and responded: 'Dear Katie, Thank you for your thoughtful note and request.
'Your father has been hard at work designing many beautiful and delightful things for Google and millions of people across the globe.

On the occasion of his Birthday, and recognizing the importance of taking some Wednesdays off during the summer, we are giving him the whole first week of July as vacation time. Enjoy!'
While some observers have commented that it could merely be a publicity stunt, Google confirmed to Huffington Post and The Blaze that the letter was authentic and the employee was getting the vacation time.
Pictures of the letters were shared on Imgur and have gone viral. The identities of the girl and her dad have not been revealed.
Generous offer: Google's Shiplacoff reportedly wrote back to the little girl and granted her dad one week off in July
Generous offer: Google's Shiplacoff reportedly wrote back to the little girl and granted her dad one week off in July