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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rare Historical Photos That Will Leave You Speechless

These photos from the past are a quick and interesting glimpse at the times the pictures were taken. This completely random, yet somehow still interesting, list of photos will bring you your dose of fun facts and intriguing things for the day. Like, I had no idea that Alfred Hitchcock pretty much enjoyed a nice, warm cup of tea with the MGM lion. I kid you not.

1. Alfred Hitchcock and the MGM Lion Leo having tea together.

 # Interesting Historical Photos  0 -
via Twitter / @HistoricalPics

2. Wooden bathing suits made in 1929 that were supposed to make you more buoyant.

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via Vintag

3. A fugitive being dragged by border patrol so that he doesn't escape the USA and enter Mexico.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ jaycrew

4. The Dynasphere, which is a monowheel built in 1932 that can go up to 25 miles an hour.

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via BBC / Getty Images

5. A portable TV concept created in 1967.

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via Arts Electronic

6. The participants of the Miss Lovely Eyes competition in Florida held in 1930.

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via FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

7. Sound finders were used in World War I to figure out which way enemy planes were coming from.

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via imgur / SirBrunno

8. Salvador Dali walking his pet anteater in 1969.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ Tsukamori

9. Babies, orphaned after the loss of their parents during the Vietnam war, are transported to the United States in 1975 in Operation Babylift.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ kirbyfood

10. Women in 1942 would paint their legs to look like they were wearing stockings.

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via Rare Historical Photos

11. In 1930, a policeman judges an ankle contest.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ sacredserenity

12. A brewery delivers kegs on a spitfire to troops fighting in Normandy.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ maxrdt

13. Women boxing on a roof in the 1930s.

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via reddit /u/ chl59

14. Everyone in New York in 1939 wore a hat.

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via Artsy / Margaret Bourke-White

15. People in Paris avoid getting wet in the flood by stepping on a series of chairs in 1924.

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via Facie Populi / Henri Manuel

16. A woman waits for the hoops of her crinoline to be finished in a London dress shop in 1860.

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via imgur | reddit /u/ DaHitcha

17. The real-life Christopher Robin and Winnie The Pooh.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 8 -
via Twitter / @History_Pics

18. During the Prague Spring in 1968, a Soviet soldier chases a young Czech man who was throwing rocks at a tank.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 10 -
via Magnum Photos / Ian Berry

19. Steven Spielberg taking photos of some of the set pieces that were made as miniatures for the first Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 12 -
via Publimetro

20. A lone man refusing to do the Nazi Salut, 1936.

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via Rare Historical Photos

21. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara fishing in 1960.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 24 -
via Kizaz

22. The aftermath of D-Day as two boys watch from a tree while American soldiers drive through Saint Lo in France.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 26 -
via The Atlantic / AP

23. A black police officer protects a member of the KKK during a rally in 1983. 

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 14 -
via imgur | reddit /u/ eamantite

24. Test pilot George Aird flying the English Electronic Lightning F-1. He had to eject himself out of the plane after losing control of it.

# Rarely Seen Moments In History 30 -
via Fear Of Landing

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