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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Facebook did mistake: Apologized to a father for refusing heart transplant ad of his kid : NEWSHUNT 99

Facebook has apologized to a father for rejecting his advertisement on the social networking site asking people to donate money for his two-month-old son’s heart transplant.

Earlier this week, Facebook rejected a picture of an infant in need of a heart transplant, calling it “negative.” Now, the infant’s father is happy because the social media website offered an apology and a large advertising credit.

As 2-month-old Hudson Azera Bond of North Carolina awaits a desperately needed heart transplant, his father Kevin Bond has fundraising for the operation in every way he knows how, including through a Facebook page.

 But dealing with the social media giant added to Bond’s heartache over the weekend. That’s when the company deemed a photo of Hudson connected to various medical tubes “scary” and “gory,” and rejected Bond’s attempt to boost site traffic with a $20 paid ad.

2 month old Hudson Azera
2 month old Hudson Azera

Facebook quickly reversed its decision, and a representative called Bond to personally apologize Wednesday, but the father said the damage was done.

“It hurt our whole family,” Bond, a photographer, told Yahoo Health. “Nobody wants their beautiful son compared to ghosts, zombie ghouls, dismembered bodies, and vampires, and whatever else that rejection letter said.”
Hudson Bond has been diagnosed with the heart disease called cardiomyopathy (pertaining to abnormal heart muscle).

Bond’s parents sought Facebook’s help to raise $75,000 needed for the surgery by posting the baby’s photo in a hospital bed, ABC11 reported.
Facebook replied to the ad, saying the photo was “scary, gory or sensational and evokes a negative response”.


“Images including accidents, car crashes, dead and dismembered bodies, ghosts, zombies, ghouls and vampires are not allowed,” it replied.

Later, Facebook issued an apology, allowing the photo to stay on the site.

Facebook system did mistake to lots of user like this , Facebook should look into this and change their system