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Saturday, December 5, 2015

8 Before And After Photos That Will Silence Global Warming Deniers

Global warming is a major issue which is frequently denied by ignorant people. This is a perfect read to shush them and get them back in the world of reality. As the ozone layer continues to evaporate and polar ice caps continue to melt, this causes erratic weather patterns and dramatic rise in sea level. NASA is now saying that global sea levels could rise by as much as three feet in the next century. See how these photos explains today's reality of the climate changes compared to the past.

 #8 Artic Ice, 1980 And 2012 

Let's have a look at the Artic Ice. Do we need say more? The temperature has increased and snow decreased over the period of years and is still continuing. Climatologists are suggesting that Artic will have entirely ice-free summers by 2040. The potential effect of this is very troubling. The Arctic region is home to almost 4 million people. Also, what happens in the Arctic doesn't just stay in the Arctic. Understanding weather patterns in the Arctic means being able to predict weather patterns, including hurricanes, in other parts of the world. The reasons for this is natural occuring phenomenons such as solar radiations and major volcanic erruptions along with (majorly) manmade activities such as Deforestation, pollution, and the endless list. If this doesn't strike you as a global warming and climate change affair then we don't know what will. Look ahead for frightening reality and verity.

#7 Bleaching Of The Great Barrief Reef, 2002 And 2014

#7 Bleaching Of The Great Barrief Reef, 2002 And 2014

Habitat for thousands of species, the great barrier reef is in serious danger. Increase in temperature of the sea has led to thermal stress among these and has also affected the growth and reproduction of the species. Other factors such as Ocean acidification, sea level rise, storm and rainfall, also affects the life of these aquatic species. The great barrier reef has experienced mass coral bleaching events in the past. In 2002 where they suffered from 50% bleaching, in 2012 it went up to 75%. In both events, about five per cent of the Great Barrier Reef were severely damaged. Aren't their lives equally important as ours?

#6 Aral Sea, 1989 And 2014

#6 Aral Sea, 1989 And 2014

Aral sea was once the world's fourth largest lake, and is in death throes now. It has been shrinking for the last 40 years. The desertification in this region has now reduced the degradation of the land and natural resources to the point that they can no longer be used.

Keep reading to be more astonished and horrified.

#5 1880s And 2005: Alaskan Muir Glacier And Inlet

#5 1880s And 2005: Alaskan Muir Glacier And Inlet

Bruce Molnia created a project to take repeat photographs of Alaskan glaciers. He made many trips to the glacier and took a photo from the exact same location each time to photographically document the retreat of the glacier. This project showed that it has retreated more than 50 kilometers.
Muir Glacier is no longer visible. If this level of man made disaster keeps on going, then all glaciers will eventually melt and the water level will keep on increasing.

#4 1930s And 2005: Alaskan Pedersen Glacier

#4 1930s And 2005: Alaskan Pedersen Glacier

As the glaciers are melting, the water level has increased drastically which in turn has led to a decrease in the surface area of the land. The glaciers are considered to be fresh water but after melting they meet the sea and end up polluted too. This serves as a big threat to mankind. In fact, haven't we all heard that the third world war might be for water? Just saying.

#3 The San Blas Archipelago In Panama: 2002 and 2014

#3 The San Blas Archipelago In Panama: 2002 and 2014

Rising sea levels due to climate change are forcing one of Panama's most well-known indigenous groups to draw up plans to relocate from their autonomous island territories to the mainland. These tribal groups may face many problems in communicating to the outer world. Other than that, it has also led to mass property destruction. Entire islands are being wiped out. Isn't that reason enough for us to start being cautious?

#2 1926 And 2008: Grinnell Glacier In Montana

#2 1926 And 2008: Grinnell Glacier In Montana

Water from the melting glaciers form into small rivers and streams as the glaciers are on higher altitude. Later, these rivers and streams meet the oceans. Because of this the sea level has been increasing drastically. In the past century it has risen by 4 to 8 inches, and it could rise upto 10 to 23 inches by 2100. Coastal areas will have to relocate.

It can also cause soil erosion and make the land infertile for vegetation.

#1 The Enterprise Bridge Passes Over A Section Of Lake Oroville In 2011 (left) And 2014 (right) In Oroville, California, Which Is Experiencing "Exceptional" Drought.

#1 The Enterprise Bridge Passes Over A Section Of Lake Oroville In 2011 (left) And 2014 (right) In Oroville, California, Which Is Experiencing

California has faced one of the worst floods of all times due to global warming. This has resulted in the change of landscape and loss of gallons of fresh water.

Following were some of the devastating examples of effects of global warming. If we aren't cautious still, whatsoever has been predicted by climatologists and meterologists might just come true. Even the smallest of efforts in our daily lives might just count for something.

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