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Monday, December 15, 2014

The New 7 Wonders of the World, According To Us

The New Wonders initiatives has named the 'New 7 Wonders of the World'. A global voting was organised by a campaign which announced the new urban wonders of the world. Beirut, Doha, Durban, Havana, Kuala Lumpur, La Paz and Vigan were declared as the new wonders of the world. Not that that we have a problem with them being the seven wonders, but we think there were far more better things that could have achieved the title. Don't believe us? Well, here are seven things that should have been the new seven wonders, according to us.

1. Obie, the dog


Everybody talks about people who lose weight, but do you know about Obie, the daschund who lost a whopping 25 kgs? The daschund lost 25 kgs after two years of hard work. That makes Obie, a true wonder!

2. Black Burger

Black Burger

A burger with black cheese, black buns and black sauce made headlines this year. The food industry can come up with anything weird like this to entice foodies across the world.

3. Pink Diamond

Pink diamond

A fancy pink diamond was sold for $17.8mn! The stone is described as the rarest and the most desirable of coloured diamonds ever seen at an auction. Thus, it makes it to our list.

4. Nick Wallenda

Nik Wallenda

Daredevil Nik Wallenda created a history by completing a tightrope walk over the Chicago towers, and that too blindfolded! It took Nik just six and a half minute to complete this walk. Now that’s a miracle there!

5. The Church which looks like chicken

Chicken Church

The Church By The Sea in Tampa Bay, Florida, Looks exactly like a chicken. It’s a miracle.

6. Paddy Jones

Paddy Jones

Granny Paddy Jones enthralled us with her killer salsa moves. The 79-year-old granny stunned the world when she participated in Britain’s Got Talent with her partner Nico Espinosa who is 40 years a junior. Those moves are nothing of a wonder for a 79 year old to perform!

7. Kim Kardashian's butt

Kim Kardashian

The seventh wonder of the world should be none other than Kim Kardashian’s butt. The net breaking, controversial and the most NSFW butt picture, which was on the centre spread of Paper magazine, should be the seventh wonder of the world, because we just couldn’t stop raving about it. From creating memes and photoshopping her pictures, the internet went crazy having a good laugh over the celebrity’s  attempt at breaking the internet. Whether her butt broke the internet or not, it surely has achieved the feat of being the seventh wonder of the world! Don’t you agree?  

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